Body Contouring Procedures in Westchester, NY

We at Plastic Surgery Westchester specialize in delivering top-tier body contouring solutions, bringing your goals into reality. Our surgical team, coupled with cutting-edge facilities and our unwavering commitment to client satisfaction, position us as leaders in the world of aesthetic procedures.

Whether you’re exploring body lifts, contouring, or other procedures, our dedicated professionals are ready to guide you toward a more fulfilled version of yourself.

Tummy Tuck


Mommy Makeover

Buttocks Reshaping

Female Genitalia Surgery

Skin Cancer Removal

Mole Removal

Scar Revision


Frequently Asked Questions


1. What is body contouring, and how does it work?

Body contouring is a transformative cosmetic procedure that focuses on refining and enhancing the body’s shape. Utilizing the best body sculpting techniques, it aims to address specific concerns such as localized fat deposits or loose skin.
One common method is liposuction, a surgical procedure that extracts excess fat using a thin tube. Additionally, procedures like tummy tucks tighten abdominal muscles and remove surplus skin, while body lifts specifically target sagging skin resulting from weight loss or aging.
Collectively, these interventions sculpt the body, yielding a more toned and proportionate aesthetic.


2. Are body lifts only for weight loss patients?

While body lifts are commonly associated with weight loss, they can also benefit individuals who observe or complain about drooping skin in some parts of their body or if they are seeking overall body rejuvenation.


3. How long is the recovery period for body contouring procedures?

Recovery times vary depending on the procedure. Patients can expect some downtime for a few weeks, while more extensive surgeries may require a longer recovery period.


4. What is the average body lift cost in Westchester?

The cost of a body lift is based on the extent of the procedure and individual goals. Our practice provides transparent pricing and personalized consultations to determine the most suitable and cost-effective treatment plan for you.


5. Is body contouring suitable for all genders?

Yes, body contouring is a versatile solution for all genders. Whether you’re looking to enhance muscle definition or address specific areas of excess fat, our tailored procedures cater to your aesthetic goals.


Schedule Your Consultation Today

Be the best version of yourself with our exceptional body contouring services in Westchester. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how Plastic Surgery Westchester can help you achieve the body contours you’ve envisioned. Achieve the body you deserve!