
Facelift FAQ

A lower face lift treats hanging skin on the neck, jowl and cheek area. Areas of the forehead, eyes, nose, upper and lower lip are not improved by the lower face lift procedure. Other surgical procedures may be needed to improve those areas. Fine lines and wrinkles, as well as texture and tone problems are not improved with face lifts. Despite these limitations, most patients have an improved facial contour, and appear rejuvenated and rested after a face lift.
There is no correct age for obtaining a face lift. The time for your first face lift is based on whether the lift can correct your concerns. As a general rule, patients today are obtaining face lifts earlier. Doing a face lift at a younger age (your 40′s) will give you a more natural appearing and longer lasting result. Performing face lifts at a later age will provide more dramatic results since the needs are greater.
Early face lifts involve skin re-draping without underlying muscle tightening. Most surgeons today perform a double- layered face- lift involving removal and re-draping of excess skin, as well as underlying muscle tightening. This technique allows for a more natural, and possibly longer lasting result. It restores not only the aging skin, but also the position of the aging muscles.
This question is probably the most commonly asked question during consultation. face lift surgery does not prevent the aging process. It simply resets the clock for an earlier time. However, there are some factors that will change the longevity of the lift. The condition of the skin is a major contributing factor. Skin that has lost elasticity through age, sun damage, smoking, and weight fluctuation will tend to recoil back to the pre-operative state sooner than more elastic skin. Younger, more elastic skin will maintain the longevity of the face lift. Some patients with severe skin elasticity problems may require an earlier secondary lift to obtain a desired result. Some surgeons over-correct the lift to allow for differences in skin type and skin quality. However, this must be done judiciously to avoid an unnatural result.
The resulting face lift is directly related to the skin quality and underlying structure of the face, as well as your surgeon’s ability and artistry to carry out the desired result. Performing both skin and muscle tightening should aid in a natural appearing lift. It is important that your surgeon not only removes excess skin, but also rotates and re-drapes the facial skin correctly. Your surgeon’s understanding of aging vectors is necessary to provide you with a natural result.
Unfortunately, the aging process is not halted by a face lift procedure. Sun avoidance, maintaining a stable weight, and not smoking will help to keep your face youthful. Also, a skin care program may help maintain and improve your skin, resulting from sun-damage, and environmental pollutants.
The term “liquid face lift” refers to a non-surgical procedure that comprises Botox for the upper face, dermal fillers like JuvédermTM and Restylane® for the lower face and cheek area, skin rejuvenation with lasers and lights, and possibly non-surgical skin tightening.